Ökumenischer Verabschiedungsgottesdienst mit Reisesegen

aller drei deutschsprachigen Gemeinden in St. Paul

(26. Mai 2019)




A group of people standing next to a tree

Description automatically generated   A group of people sitting at a picnic table

Description automatically generated


A group of people sitting at a picnic table

Description automatically generated   A group of people in a garden

Description automatically generated


A group of people standing next to a tree

Description automatically generated   A picture containing tree, outdoor, person

Description automatically generated


A group of people standing next to a tree

Description automatically generated   A couple of lawn chairs sitting on top of a picnic table

Description automatically generated 


A group of people standing next to a tree

Description automatically generated   A group of people standing in a room

Description automatically generated


A group of people sitting at a picnic table

Description automatically generated   A group of people sitting at a table

Description automatically generated


   A group of people sitting at a picnic table

Description automatically generated   A dining room table

Description automatically generated