Erste Kommunion und Firmung in St. Paul

(7. November 2021)



A picture containing indoor, person, music, curtain

Description automatically generated   A picture containing outdoor, porch, old

Description automatically generated


A group of people in a room

Description automatically generated with medium confidence   A picture containing person

Description automatically generated



A group of people in a room

Description automatically generated with medium confidence  


A person standing next to a table with flowers on it

Description automatically generated with low confidence


A group of people in a church

Description automatically generated with medium confidence   A person and person wearing face masks

Description automatically generated with low confidence


A picture containing ceiling, person, indoor, people

Description automatically generated   A group of people sitting in a room with tables and chairs

Description automatically generated with low confidence


A group of people in a room

Description automatically generated with medium confidence   A group of people in robes

Description automatically generated with low confidence


A picture containing indoor

Description automatically generated  


   A person in a robe standing in front of a group of people

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


A picture containing person

Description automatically generated   A group of people in a church

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


A picture containing indoor, furniture, area, table

Description automatically generated   A picture containing indoor, cluttered

Description automatically generated


A picture containing indoor

Description automatically generated


A group of people sitting at tables

Description automatically generated with low confidence   A group of people sitting in a room with tables and chairs

Description automatically generated with low confidence


A picture containing person

Description automatically generated   A picture containing indoor, chair, furniture

Description automatically generated